The content, which includes, but is not limited to, text, images, graphics and other materials presented in this video and on this page, is purely for informative reasons. None of the content on this platform is meant to replace expert medical advice, diagnoses or treatments. It's always advisable to consult your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional for any inquiries you might have about medical conditions or treatments and prior to embarking on new healthcare endeavours.


Research Opportunities for MSc Nursing Students
  • 10th January 2025

Research Opportunities for MSc Nursing Students

The crucial role nursing plays in the medical field is recognised by everyone. Nursing has evolved significantly over the years. At the same time, research plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare practices...

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The Role of a Nurse: Beyond Bedside Care
  • 13th December 2024

The Role of a Nurse: Beyond Bedside Care

Since time immemorial, nursing has been a noble profession that plays a stellar role in restoring patients to health. It is of course a profession that revolves around direct patient care-administering...

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Children's Day and Paediatric Nursing Care
  • 14th November 2024

Children's Day and Paediatric Nursing Care

14th November is a special date – a day when Children’s Day is celebrated in honour of the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India who was well known...

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